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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ghost Diaries I by Willow Cross

Ghost Diaries I
By Willow Cross

While rifling through her deceased father’s belongings, a young woman named Taija Ford discovered a maze of files filled with journal entries and old letters that mention various claims of hauntings and alleged demonic possession. The oldest dating back to 1881. This particular file asserts a girl named Sarah Beth Hawkins was attacked by an unseen entity.

In an attempt to piece together her father’s previously secret life, Taija opened her own investigation into these Ghost Diaries. This is Case #1-Sarah Beth Hawkins.

The Ghost Diaries is an episodic series of short stories.

Willow Cross is a self-proclaimed vamp enthusiast, were-hunter, prankster, dreamer, story teller, benevolent dictator of minions, and chocolate lover. She resides in Arkansas with two children still young enough to live at home, an enormous cat named Bitsy, and a neurotic dog named Tank. Her home has been known to host the occasional ghost and several of her friends profess to be witches. Although she dearly loves vampires and werewolves, they are never invited for dinner.

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